
Beyond the Core
Creekside has the opportunity to offer amazing programming beyond our core subjects (math, English language arts, science and social studies). Our pathways offer multi-year schemas to build upon existing knowledge and expand students' breadth of experience.

Art allows students to grow their right brains and push their creative boundaries. Our art teachers works collaboratively with our classroom and multicultural education teacher to use art to link art to core instruction.
Social Emotional Learning
We utilize Changemakers and Life Ingredients curriculum. Changemakers utilizes free-standing lessons and teaching practices to promote social emotional learning (SEL) in students.
Life Ingredients aims to create an emotionally stable population, one more aware of its thoughts and feelings and more capable of empathy and understanding than any generation in history.
Students in the older grades transition from Changemakers Social Emotional curriculum to Restorative practices. Teachers work with students daily to work through self discovery, conflict, and team building.
Creekside Charter is a Positive Behavior Intervention Service (PBIS) school setting positive behavior expectations for students.


Creekside's 6th-8th grade Spanish program is unique and goal-oriented. Our objective is to prepare 8th graders with the skills they will need to readily begin high school Spanish 2 or 3 (dependent on proficiency). As they move into 7th and 8th grade, grammar becomes a more prominent element to classes in addition to comprehensible input through reading, writing, and listening in the target language. Our curriculum and resources include, but are not limited to Somos, Voces, Señor Wooly, Adiós, and Conjuguemos.
Stem Elective
At Creekside we believe that students need additional science opportunities in order to fully comprehend the CA next generation standards. Students in grades 1st-5th will explore STEM and Environmental Science opportunities.

Our homeschool program provides a supportive and enriching learning environment focused on personalized education. We emphasize creativity and critical thinking skills, offering a variety of subjects and activities tailored to each student's interests and learning style. Parents are encouraged to actively participate in their child's learning journey, fostering a collaborative and dynamic educational experience.